Become a Tempstar
Heating and Cooling Dealer
Earn More Money
When you sell the same brand name as your competition the sales transaction will be based mainly on price. Earn more money from the sale and separate your company from the pack by becoming an exclusive territory based Tempstar Heating and Cooling dealer.

Tempstar Dealer Benefits:

selling territory


Tempstar Dealer
Manager dedicated
to Tempstar dealers

AIM Program,
Up to $6250.00 in rewards,
+ 2nd year growth rebate
Tempstar Dealer
Locator, www.tempstar.com

Tempstar Advertising Program,
7 months of lead generating digital ads

Consumer Factory Rebate,
Up to $850.00 in rebates!

Preseason Stocking Programs,
large discount available

Elite Dealer Program
including special benefits,
materials and tools to help
your business grow

Territories are filling up fast!
Only select dealers qualify, but those that do will be well-rewarded. To learn how Tempstar can bring more sales leads and profit to your company, contact us by phone or email, or submit the form below.
Get in
Marc Winkler
Tempstar Heating and
Cooling Dealer Manager,
TML Supply Company